Home > Packages > Hiking > Cycling trip with accommodation at Pensionat Solgården in Grisslehamn
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sym-cykling.gif Cycling trip with accommodation at Pensionat Solgården in Grisslehamn Print Email

Solgården is an ideal starting-point for a wonderful and exciting cycling tour on Northern Väddö, Fogdö and Singö. When you stay at us, you can also make a day trip to Eckerö. You can hire a bicycle from us.

Cycling in our neighbourhoods offers a lot, including charming country roads, wonderful sea view, warm cliffs and off-road forest trails for cyclists looking for challenge.

Examples on routes
Five tips for tour suggestions called Tour suggestions from Grisslehamn can be found here: Tour suggestions from Grisslehamn.

Booking and information
Annika Cedergren
Pensionat Solgården
Phone: +46 (0)17 530 019
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Last Updated ( Monday, 19 March 2007 )